armadyl chainskirt-25-35m
bandos godsword-10-20m
saradomin godsword-35-50m
armadyl godsword-50-100m
zamorak godsword-15-20m
saradomin sword-10-15m
dragon firesheild-10-20m
dragon claws-100-200m
PvP armour/weapons
vesta chestplate-30-75m
vesta chainskirt-30-50m
statius helm-10-25m
statius chestplate-20-30m
statius platelegs-20-30m
zuriels top-10-20m
zuriels skirt-10-20m
zuriels hood-5-15m
morigans good-5-15m
statius hammer-20-25m
vesta longsword-25-50m
hallowen mask-1-2b
santa hats-1-2b
christmas crackers-3-5b
if i forgot or did not add a item please reply or cotact me ingame if u dont like somr prices feel free to ask for a change-ivor
bandos godsword-10-20m
saradomin godsword-35-50m
armadyl godsword-50-100m
zamorak godsword-15-20m
saradomin sword-10-15m
dragon firesheild-10-20m
dragon claws-100-200m
PvP armour/weapons
vesta chestplate-30-75m
vesta chainskirt-30-50m
statius helm-10-25m
statius chestplate-20-30m
statius platelegs-20-30m
zuriels top-10-20m
zuriels skirt-10-20m
zuriels hood-5-15m
morigans good-5-15m
statius hammer-20-25m
vesta longsword-25-50m
hallowen mask-1-2b
santa hats-1-2b
christmas crackers-3-5b
if i forgot or did not add a item please reply or cotact me ingame if u dont like somr prices feel free to ask for a change-ivor